Donate By Mail
Please send you donation along with your name, address, phone number, and email address to :​
Upper Sugar River Watershed Association
PO Box 314
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
Donate Over the Phone
We are happy to accept your donation over the phone if you are not comfortable with submitting it online. Just call us at the number below and we will be in touch as soon as possible to accept your donation information.
Tel. 608-437-7707
Donate Online
Please fill out the form below.
Your donation is more than a membership! It is a lifeline of support for the environment and for the people working to protect it. Your donation helps us fund our conservation programs, our educational programs, and our small staff who coordinate and keep these programs running. Your donation is critical to the work we are able to do. To donate today please choose any of the options here.
Thank you for your generous support!